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We Bullied Ourselves Into Thinking We Didn’t Deserve Happiness |
Tradeview – We’ve all been there, feeling like we don’t deserve the best things in life just because of something small we did wrong or our personality quirks we couldn’t change. But there are times when people should feel sorry for themselves and times when they shouldn’t. When do you know it’s okay to be sad, and when does it become bullying yourself? Here are some signs that you might be guilty of bullying yourself into thinking you don’t deserve happiness.
What Is Self-Love?
When we bull ourselves into thinking we don’t deserve happiness, it’s not as simple as just shaking the thought off. Sometimes we have to retrain our minds on what is possible for us to love and cherish about ourselves, who deserves our care. This includes all aspects of yourself – your soul and spirit, who you are as a woman or man in the world. It’s with these practices of self-love that you start creating your own type of freedom from all outside pressure. So where do you start? First, ask yourself: What am I grateful for about myself? Next, list three things you like about yourself. The last thing may be difficult because sometimes people take their flaws more seriously than they should so try telling yourself this sentence: My imperfections make me perfect. With these types of thoughts and feelings towards yourself, you can slowly find peace when dealing with something painful. Start by picking one aspect about yourself that is important to you – maybe something physical such as your hair color or an event in your life such as graduation. Focus on loving that part unconditionally every day by listing out five reasons why it’s great (if it doesn’t seem too difficult). Try this exercise with every detail until you’ve reached 20!
Why You Need All Three in Your Life
If we want to be healthy and happy, we need all three of these things in our lives. Without them, we’ll end up dissatisfied, lost and unhappy.
What do you need? I think we bull know that the more money you make is going to give us a better life in the long run. So where do you get the most enjoyment out of spending your free time? How can we balance taking care of ourselves with getting paid enough to care for our family too? What’s going to make us feel at home when work seems like our only safe place? The idea that these needs are easily satisfied might sound crazy but it’s possible with an understanding of what these three things have in common. Spending time with family or friends makes us happier because those people love and support us unconditionally. When we spend time outside being active, we’re reminding ourselves that what makes us feel alive isn’t just the air inside our office building; it’s also green grass, blue skies and how our skin tingles from cold water on hot days. And every single dollar counts so if every hour spent on Facebook brings in one dollar less per hour than our paycheck does- well then maybe it’s worth thinking about cutting back on those 30 minutes to go exercise for 30 minutes instead.
So How Do I Stop Being a Bully?
This bullying epidemic we’ve got going on, it needs to end. Too many of us are hiding who we really are because we bulled ourselves into thinking that happiness wasn’t something that was meant for us, but there’s no good reason for you to live your life unhappily just because you weren’t born the way some person wanted you to be. Remember: everyone is different and everyone deserves to have what makes them happy. That might mean something as simple as listening to Taylor Swift and believing in a love story or going a little farther like coming out and telling the world who you really are. No matter what decision you make, know that this decision is about having some control over your own happiness, not about letting others bully themselves into living a life they don’t want. You can be whoever you want to be and feel however you want to feel without letting anyone stop you from doing so. If someone hassles you, speak up! If someone isn’t being kind, tell them how much it hurts! You deserve the same respect from other people as any other person does. If someone doesn’t give it to you, put them in their place by standing tall and making sure they know why their words were hurtful. It takes courage to do these things; that’s why you need to surround yourself with supportive friends who will remind you every day how amazing you are and how much value you bring to the lives of those around you. It can take time before change happens but believe me when I say- if anything is worth waiting for then this would be it.
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