
  • Why Forex Brokers Need to Know about Different Currencies

    Forex Brokers
     Why Forex Brokers Need to Know about Different Currencies

    Tradeview – When you’re an international investor looking to make money, one of your best bets is to invest in the foreign exchange market, or forex. Trading currency and cashing in on its value fluctuations can be extremely profitable—and it can also help you diversify your portfolio with opportunities outside of the United States and Europe if you’re already invested there. As one of many forex brokers, you probably know this already, but if you haven’t yet ventured into the world of forex trading, now’s the time! But how do you get started?

    The U.S. Dollar

    Despite what you may believe, currencies do not all equal out. Currencies are traded in pairs against each other. The pairing might be the Euro and the U.S. dollar or two different countries, but the goal is to find where one country’s currency is trading more expensive than another on a global scale and make a trade, purchasing the cheaper one and selling it at a higher price elsewhere. One example of this strategy in action was when China devalued its Yuan in 2015 because traders were buying less Chinese products because they became less inexpensive to make with American goods priced comparatively lower by comparison. This provided a perfect opportunity for forex brokers who had noticed this trend before it happened and continued making trades based on their predictions of where the market would go next.

    The Euro

    As of March 31, 2015, the Euro trades at $1.1-1.2 US dollars. As a currency with over 16% of its trade being between non-Eurozone nations, there are many reasons why forex brokers should consider this when trading their clients’ currency in this market place. Understanding both risks and advantages could make all the difference in decision making for your clients’. Here’s some basics to help you get started

    The British Pound

    There are many forex brokers who are ready to trade in foreign exchange and have the opportunity to profit from a variety of currencies. But what they may not know is that they can also use these opportunities to mitigate the risk of changes in foreign exchange rates and fluctuations. A foreign currency is just that- another country’s currency. All currencies have their own identities and traders look for them because they represent value, global events, and sustainability of national governments in that country. By understanding the nuances of each one, you’re on your way to becoming a pro forex trader with better options when it comes time to make a decision on an FX trade

    Swiss Francs

    The Swiss franc (CHF) is the most popular currency among forex traders for three main reasons: first, it trades in a tight range relative to the Euro; second, its stable interest rates make it less prone to violent movements in currency exchange rates than other currencies; and third, it is considered one of the world’s strongest currencies. This means that those who buy the CHF will see their investment grow relatively steadily when compared with fluctuations of other currencies that could be significantly higher or lower in value. 

    Forex brokers are able to increase their profits by trading on three major currency pairs that correlate with one another and can also take advantage of more than one exchange rate per day.

    Canadian Dollars

    Due to the differences in interest rates, foreign exchange rates and commodity prices, various currencies will vary in their values. This can be confusing, especially when brokers are based outside of Canada and provide quotes only in US Dollars. Before you get started with a broker account, it is important that you know what the currency symbols are for each of the major currencies. In Canada, our primary trading partner is the United States which means we trade mostly in Canadian Dollars (CAD). Other common trading pairs with CAD include: Euro (EUR), British Pound (GBP) and Japanese Yen (JPY). This allows a forex broker to enter into trades without converting from their native currency.

    Australian Dollars

    Understanding the Australian dollar is critical for forex brokers because of the size and scope of their trade markets. With close to a billion people, including some 180,000 millionaires and more than 750,000 millionaires, Australia is a key market for goods and services for forex brokers. Australians also need work so jobs outside the country are a major draw in terms of seeking work abroad.

    Knowledge of Australian dollar history makes it easy to get an idea of how it works relative to other currencies. Formed as a penal colony back in 1788, today’s Australia has had plenty of ups and downs in its relationship with other countries – from once being rich on natural resources but devastated by war to becoming one of the world’s wealthiest economies following independence from British rule.

    Chinese Yuan Renminbi (Yuan)

    What do forex brokers need to know about the Chinese Yuan Renminbi? A lot. The value of a country’s currency is an integral factor in determining its economy, so it should be crucial for forex brokers who want to continue getting involved in global trade. Forex brokers will have their clients’ interests at heart and can provide clear guidance on how business owners can manage the risks and take advantage of the opportunities related to fluctuating currencies.

    Hong Kong Dollars (HKD)

    There are many forex brokers and traders who don’t know about HKD and how it differs from other currencies. If a trader doesn’t understand the basics of how HKD interacts with another country’s currency, they can be making some mistakes that they might not realize, which could cost them big bucks in the long run. For example, let’s take a Canadian forex trader and see what would happen if they didn’t have knowledge of HKD. Let’s assume that our Canadian forex trader does their trades in CAD and trades EUR/USD, for instance. They think that the USD has risen enough versus EUR for them to now sell all their EUR at a profit because CAD has risen against EUR as well.

    Indian Rupee (INR)

    There are many different currencies in the world. Forex brokers need to understand these differences in order to work on international transactions and provide investors with the best services. The most popular types of currency in the world today are fiat currency, commodity, or basket currencies. As such, it is important for forex brokers to be well-versed with these different types of currencies if they want to remain competitive and have a strong client base. For example, if a broker is only knowledgeable of one type of currency he may not be able to serve clients who primarily use another type of currency.

    Russian Ruble (RUB)

    The Russian Ruble (RUB) is the currency of Russia and it is the forex brokers’ responsibility to know everything there is to know about this currency. Currency rates are constantly fluctuating and so it’s important for a forex broker to monitor them on a regular basis. This prevents any unfavorable changes in values that would occur due to not being aware of where the currencies are at. Additionally, because of all the economic and political turmoil that has been happening in Russia, investors need all of the information they can get when investing their money in this country’s markets. It’s essential for a forex broker to keep their clients informed, because then they’ll be able to make smart investments knowing how volatile this market is.

  • Why Every Stock Broker Needs to Know About Short Selling

    Stock Broker
     Why Every Stock Broker Needs to Know About Short Selling

    Tradeview – If you’re planning to become a stock broker, it’s essential to understand short selling as well as long selling. While it may seem counter-intuitive, short sellers actually help the market by providing liquidity and stability. Here’s everything you need to know about short selling as well as how you can get started today!

    An Overview of Short Selling

    Short selling is a way for a stock broker to buy an asset that has dropped in value (without the actual purchase of the asset) with the expectation that it will rise again. The stock broker borrows shares of a company’s stock and sells them on the market. If successful, they keep their money from the sale and make a profit when they go back and buy shares at a lower price than what they sold them for. If not successful, this type of trading incurs losses just like buying stock would if prices drop. Although short selling sounds easy, there are a number of things one must know before engaging in such transactions. For example, there are rules about margin requirements, lending rates and stop-losses which can vary from one brokerage firm to another.

    What Does Sell Mean?

    What does sell mean? If a stock broker is trying to sell shares of a company, they’re essentially looking to make some money. To put it simply, they are looking for buyers. They may also be working with different investors on the buy side, looking for companies and stocks that they would like to own. When they find something that meets their standards, they make an offer that’s usually going to cost them less than what the current share price is in the market right now. This is why it’s called shorting or selling shares of a stock: because the broker wants to sell what he doesn’t own yet. One benefit of short selling (or buying on margin) is being able buy more of a security when you think it will go up in value. If someone needs to buy 10 shares of IBM at $150 per share but only has $1500 available, then they could purchase those 10 shares by borrowing $1400 from the brokerage house by using their portfolio as collateral. As long as the stock price stays above $150 per share, then there won’t be any issues with this strategy. But if IBM falls below $150 per share before it can be bought back then there will be an issue.

    How Does a Bank Account Work?

    Opening a bank account is an integral step for any stock broker. But, not all banks are the same. For example, some banks have lower interest rates than others or offer different services. Check out this informative guide on how a bank account works in the modern world! This post will be used as a resource and point of reference to answer questions that you may have about opening a bank account. There are many nuances to banking such as choosing which type of account (checking vs savings) or which type of card (debit vs credit). Read below for more information on these topics and the ones you can’t miss: how long it takes to open an account, what types of identification need when opening an account, when will my debit card work?

    A Working Example – Unloading 100 shares at $10 per share

    A stock broker typically buys and sells stocks, but with the act of short selling they sell a stock first and then buy it back at a later date when the price goes down. The concept is that you make money when the price decreases, just like when you purchase a stock. The key difference is that if the market doesn’t increase in value before you buy back the shares, your losses could be greater than with standard purchasing or selling methods because of transaction costs. Because these transactions happen on what’s known as margin, meaning you borrow from an investment company to purchase stocks, there can also be high interest rates in addition to commission costs for each trade.

    The Risks in Short Selling

    If you’re a stock broker, or simply interested in the world of stocks and shares, you might have come across the term short selling. Short selling is when an investor sells shares that they do not actually own. In other words, the seller gets paid for his/her services and commits to buy those shares back at some point in the future at a set price (a contract). There are many risks involved with short selling. For one thing, there is always a risk that share prices will go down and create losses on behalf of the short seller. But what if that price just keeps going down? In this case, the short seller will be obligated to pay more and more money for his share than he could get for it on market because of what has been happening. It’s also important to note that a company can only produce as much product as the demand dictates. If demand goes down then so does the company’s share price. So even though their financial situation may be sound, their worth may drop significantly depending on how much product people are buying from them.

  • 5 Tips for Day Traders Who Want to Be Successful

    Day Traders
     5 Tips for Day Traders Who Want to Be Successful

    Tradeview – Day trading can be exciting and profitable, but it’s also risky. If you aren’t cautious and knowledgeable about the stock market and the day trading process, you could find yourself losing money instead of making it. This article outlines five things that every day trader should know before attempting to make money through day trading. Take these tips to heart and you should start making more money faster as a day trader!

    1) Set goals

    Some day traders just want to make a little extra money on the side, others want more. The point is you have different goals and have to do what is right for you. The following are five steps towards a successful day trading career:

    Set your goals. What are your ultimate goals as a trader? Do you want to make day trading your primary job, or only supplemental income? Do you aspire to quit your job entirely and be a full-time trader, or do you just need some help making ends meet? You will not reach your goal if it’s unclear in your mind. Make sure you know what you’re working towards before getting started.

    2) Stay calm

    When you’re starting out, it can be difficult to stay calm when the market is volatile and unpredictable. However, if you follow these five tips for day traders who want to be successful, you’ll have a better chance of doing well. 

    1) Stay Focused on Your Goal: It’s easy to get distracted by all the up and down moments in the market. But if you want to succeed as a day trader, focus on your goal and don’t let those moments shake your confidence. 

    2) Follow Your Plan: Have a written trading plan that outlines what trades are best suited for different types of days. Don’t try anything too risky or unusual on an unstable day. Instead, keep your risks low and wait for a calmer moment. 

    3) Protect Yourself: Some things can happen during the course of one trade that would wipe out all of your profit. For example, Bitcoin dropped from $1700 to $200 in one week last year. If this happens to you during a long trade- and even if it doesn’t- stop right away so you don’t lose everything 

    4) Manage Stress Levels: The stock market has been volatile lately- sometimes dropping more than 400 points in just one day. With stress levels running high because of this unpredictability, be sure not to add fuel to the fire by panicking.

    3) Know what you are doing

    Day traders have the opportunity to make a lot of money in a very short period of time. If you want to be successful, though, it’s important that you know what you are doing. There are some very good strategies out there for day trading success. You need to find what works best for your personal style and skill level, then tailor it so it fits your particular needs and desires. That way you can know when day trading is right for you as well as when not to engage in any day trading activity at all!

    4) Never risk more than you can lose

    Being a successful day trader is not as easy as it sounds. The market is constantly changing, and you will have days that are profitable and days that are not so much. It’s important to always remember: never risk more than you can lose. That means take the time to read up on what day trading entails before jumping into the action. You should be aware of how your money works and where you can cash out with minimal effort if necessary. Keep in mind that just because there is a significant stock market correction today doesn’t mean your entire account will be wiped out tomorrow. It could take years for stocks markets to recuperate their losses, but until then, manage your finances accordingly by knowing where your money is going at any given moment.

    5) Don’t make stupid decisions

    Day trading can be a difficult process, and a lot of day traders get into it without understanding the risks that are involved. Day traders who make bad decisions will have a much harder time when they’re trying to be successful, so it’s important that they’re not making any stupid decisions. The following tips should help them. -Do research on the stocks you want to buy before placing your trade. You’ll know what sort of price movements are typical in each stock, which will give you an idea about how big a profit potential is and whether or not it’s worth the risk.-Stick with one thing: Day traders often spread their money out over many different stocks in order to minimize their risk. While this might seem like a good strategy, if there is one particular stock that has really caught their eye then they should try sticking with only that stock in order to minimize their risk.-Look at what other people are doing: One way to figure out whether or not a day trader has made some good decisions is by looking at what other people are doing. A person might go onto sites like yahoo finance and see how other people have rated certain stocks.

  • Nabtrade Ready to Know All: How to Get the Most Out of Your Financial Trading Platform

     Nabtrade Ready to Know All: How to Get the Most Out of Your Financial Trading Platform

    Tradeview – If you’re an active trader, you’re sure to have heard of nabtrade by now. This online trading platform allows you to trade directly from your computer, tablet, or smartphone and offers more than 60 different types of financial instruments. The business is based in Australia, but it has expanded its reach to include traders from the United States and beyond. To get the most out of your trading experience on nabtrade, read on to find out how to get started with the platform and take advantage of the many features that await you.

    Why Choose Nabtrade

    Choosing a financial trading platform can be daunting. That’s why we’re here to help you know all there is to know about nab-trade. There’s no need for you worry, once you’ve checked out our complete Nabtrade review, you’ll understand that is the right trading platform for you. From buying and selling options to learning how currencies work, we have it all covered! Check it out today!

    Getting Started on Nabtrade Exchange

    In this blog post, we will go through the process of getting started on nabtrade. Step by step we are going to create an account and look at how you can best utilize nab trade for your trading needs. 

    First, you need a UK bank account with one of the following debit or credit card types: MasterCard/Maestro, Visa, Visa Electron or Delta/Switch. If this is not your situation then there may be an alternative way for you to get set up. Contact us and we’ll help find an option that suits you best. Once you have an account set up with the correct information, log in and navigate over to Login Details under Profile Settings.

    Navigating Through Our Interface

    Logging into nabtrade’s website for the first time may be a daunting prospect for some. The variety of trading platforms, often categorized by asset types, can be overwhelming and can make it difficult to know where to start your journey. 

    Once you’re in nab-trade we hope this page will help break things down and help you identify your needs. This will save you time and allow you access to all the features that best suit your trading needs.

    Quotes and Charts

    Figuring out how to use a new trading platform can be daunting, says George, a trader on nabtrade’s popular share trading chatroom. It doesn’t help that there are so many options and ways of doing things! 

    That is why it is essential to do your research, trial and error with low-risk trades, find a broker who shares your goals and risk appetite, and stick with them. 

    For traders like George (and anyone else looking for more information about nab-trade), we’ve put together this quick guide on some basics – here’s what you need know about your own personal financial trading platform.

    We hope this gives readers like George the confidence needed to start using nab-trade or other platforms for day-to-day investing.

    Orders, Trades, and Position Management

    You are able to execute orders, cancel trades, and set your own position management preferences. Once you’ve decided which currency pairs you want to trade in, you can make a choice of different order types. Stop-losses and take-profits help manage your trading positions while money management controls how much risk you’re willing to take on each trade. 

    Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) is another useful indicator for traders. If prices start trending up or down, MACD will show if momentum is accelerating or decreasing respectively. You can access this information by placing it alongside prices on nabtrades live chart view or from other features like volume histograms, pattern recognition systems or spreadsheets.

    Analyzing Markets on Nabtrade

    Nabtrade makes it easy for traders to analyze markets in real-time, manage portfolios and monitor investments, all from a single platform. Nowadays, there are so many tools available for investors that it can be difficult sorting out which ones are best. This is why nab-trade has been designed as a toolkit for professional trading; allowing traders to take advantage of advanced investment features and making day-to-day trading much more intuitive. Once you set up your account with nab-trade, you’ll find an easy way to add positions, follow market activity and configure trade alerts that correspond with your needs as an investor. Whether you’re looking for sophisticated investment options or just trying a new investing strategy on the side, nab-trade is happy to have you!

    Important Market Tools for Traders Section: Useful Information about Trade Types

    So, which trade types will nabtrade offer? Here are a few useful facts about trading types and your financial trading platform. Market orders allow you to buy or sell a specified number of shares at current market prices and with no minimum order limit. Limit orders require that shares be bought or sold only at an available price that is higher than the set limit price or lower than the set limit price. Stop orders become a market order after they reach their pre-set trigger level, which is higher or lower than the stock’s current price. Once entered into an active position, orders can either be modified or canceled depending on preference. 

    We hope you enjoy using these ready to know all tips as much as we did when creating them! Happy trading!

  • A Fidelity Brokerage Account Is a Wise Investment Choice – Here’s Why

    Fidelity Brokerage Account
     A Fidelity Brokerage Account Is a Wise Investment Choice – Here’s Why

    Tradeview – If you’ve got savings set aside in an investment account and you’re debating whether or not to open up a new brokerage account, look no further than your current Fidelity investment account to find the answer! A Fidelity brokerage account allows you to buy stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and much more with ease. If you already have one of these accounts set up and are wondering what the point of opening a brokerage account at another company could be, read on for why you should stick with Fidelity.

    Think like an investor, not an average Joe

    In today’s day and age, there are lots of investment choices available to help you invest your money. It can be hard to know which one is best, but a brokerage account with fidelity is one of the wisest options out there. A fidelity brokerage account gives you access to the market and diverse investment options including mutual funds, index funds, stocks, and bonds. Best of all? They have stellar customer service– 24/7 phone service is always available and fidelity brokers are on call at all hours of the day.

    Diversification is Important

    Diversification is an essential aspect of any type of investment portfolio. One way to diversify your portfolio is with the use of a fidelity brokerage account. allows for more streamlined trades, which means that you can diversify your investments on an ongoing basis. This reduces the need for rebalancing and makes it easier to manage your investments. In addition, there are many types of fidelity brokerage accounts available so you will have no problem finding one that fits your investment style and budget. ##

    You Can Open Individual Retirement Accounts for Your Children

    There are many different brokerage accounts available to the general public, each with its own pros and cons. Before you can start investing in any company or product, it is important to determine which type of brokerage account is best for your financial needs. If you are interested in receiving personalized advice from one of our professional brokers, click here for more information on all of the advantages our brokerage account has to offer.

    The differences between an individual retirement account (IRA) and a fidelity brokerage account.

    Comprehensive Research Will Help You Pick the Right One

    You should always do your research and pick the best brokerage account for your needs. If you have money invested elsewhere, then a fidelity brokerage account might not be the best choice for you. The reason for this is because it is primarily designed for new investors who do not want to deal with accounts from different companies. If your financial advisor recommends that you invest some of your money here, then go ahead and consider opening an account. When doing so, make sure to review any fees that may be associated with this type of investment because it might be cost-prohibitive. Finally, keep in mind that fidelity brokerage accounts are also very appropriate if you are looking to start investing but don’t know where to begin or how to manage your assets as an investor with experience.

    Don’t Forget About Fees

    If you are new to investing, you might be wondering what’s the difference between commission and fee. In a brokerage account, commissions are charged when stocks or other investments are traded. These trades can come from your account balance or from buying outside of the account. Fees are the cost for conducting transactions such as inactivity fees for accounts with little trading activity, statement fees for those who would prefer not to receive paper statements and so on. These fees typically vary based on an individual’s needs. When evaluating brokerage firms for your new fidelity brokerage account, it is important to look at all costs including both transaction-related expenses as well as monthly account fees so that you can make an informed decision about what best meets your needs.

    Take Advantage of Good Interest Rates

    Fidelity Investments is one of the largest investment firms in the country, providing over $6 trillion in investments. But they are much more than that: they offer an expansive range of financial services and products to help people protect their retirement savings and manage their money. One example is a fidelity brokerage account. This account provides all the benefits of investing with none of the hassles or paperwork. It comes with state-of-the-art tools and offers wide selections of securities from all market sectors, so you can invest your money like never before. That also pays quarterly dividends on interest earned so you can earn more from your investments by letting it grow at rates higher than those provided by other deposit accounts.

    Consider Low-Risk Investments

    According to the Financial Planning Association, when clients have less than $100,000 to invest, they are best served by so-called low-risk investments that generally don’t generate a lot of growth. Instead they try to protect clients from inflation and market fluctuations. One such way to achieve this is with a fidelity brokerage account, which offers more growth potential than many other investment vehicles without carrying the same risks associated with individual stocks. 

    Since 1958, Fidelity has grown its customer base from 2 million accounts with less than $2 billion in assets under management to over 27 million accounts and $1.4 trillion in assets under management today–so it’s fair to say that their services are trusted and successful.

    Stick to Mutual Funds

    Choosing the right financial investments is an important decision. That’s why we recommend opening a fidelity brokerage account to get started on the right foot. With our low-cost investments and experienced advisors, you can save more and reach your goals faster. With fidelity brokerage accounts, you can start investing today!

    Choose At Least Three Funds in Different Asset Classes and Flavors

    If you’re looking for a way to invest money and build wealth, consider setting up a fidelity brokerage account. These accounts are designed to let you take the time necessary to find the funds that will suit your needs best. They can also provide more flexibility in how you want to invest and how much risk you want to take on as well. In general, there are three types of investments you can choose from: equity funds, bond funds and cash equivalents. For example, ETFs offer exposure to various sectors of the economy with an all-in-one type investment portfolio in one form or another that gets regularly adjusted based on what is happening in the markets at any given moment of time.

    The Most Basic But Crucial Part of Investing – Diversify Your Investments

    Your fidelity brokerage account should always be one of the first investments you make. There are many different investment types to choose from, but for your brokerage account, it is best to keep it simple. Diversifying with stocks, bonds, and other investments may be better for other people at different points in their life or when they have more knowledge about investing. If you’re just starting out though, stick with the basics – stocks and bonds. Don’t fall into the trap of looking only at your retirement when investing because then your money will never grow if all of it is on an account that doesn’t get reinvested!

  • Everything You Need to Know About Setting Up a Brokerage Account

    Brokerage Account
     Everything You Need to Know About Setting Up a Brokerage Account

    Tradeview – Setting up a brokerage account may seem like an intimidating task, but once you know all the steps you’ll be able to do it quickly and easily. This step-by-step guide explains everything you need to know about opening your own brokerage account so that you can start investing in the stock market without delay. Best of all, even if you’re relatively new to investing, this guide will explain everything in simple terms that make it easy for beginners to understand.

    What is a brokerage account?

    A brokerage account is an account that provides buying and selling of stocks, shares, and other investments. These accounts can be found at online or brick-and-mortar financial institutions. Depending on the types of stocks or investments you would like to purchase, some accounts may be able to provide better service than others. There are different types of brokerage accounts depending on the type of investments you want to make. For example, if you’re looking for a high interest rate with your investment then a money market account might work best for you. If you’re looking for long term investment opportunities with low risk then investing in certificates of deposits might work best for your needs. Once the type of account has been determined it’s time to look at which bank will give your desired results the most effectively by evaluating banks based on customer reviews, their available products, credit card offerings, and fees associated with their accounts

    How do I open a new trading platform?

    Opening a new trading platform may seem daunting, but it’s really not as difficult as you might think. Read on for all the information you’ll need to set up your brokerage account with ease! Before you can get started, find out about the type of trading platform that’s available at your broker’s site and what your budget is. These two factors will influence which trading software package you use, and are therefore important considerations in narrowing down your choices. Once these decisions have been made, the process of actually opening the account is straightforward; after registering or logging into the platform, you should provide financial details such as income and bank balances to verify that funds are available in order to open an account.

    What types of accounts do they offer?

    Start with the basics and set up a brokerage account. There are different types of accounts for different types of investors: investor/trader, retirement saver, saving for big expenses in the future, etc. Consult your broker or accountant before choosing which type of account is best for you. What can I do?: Different brokers offer different services, so it’s worth shopping around to see what will work best for you. Some brokers offer education courses, financial guidance, and portfolio management services at an additional cost (brokers that charge by the hour). What costs should I consider?

    What fees should I expect?

    In order to have the ability to buy and sell stocks and other investment vehicles, you will need a brokerage account. And while setting up an account may seem like it takes a long time, actually it takes much less than you think. The most important things for people new to buying stocks is for them know what fees they should expect so that they are not surprised. Some brokers may charge as little as $5 per trade while others charge upwards of $20 or more. Depending on your own needs, it can be worth either looking at an online broker which often has more competitive rates or going with an offline broker if you happen to live near their offices. The best thing you can do when it comes time for the hard decisions is consider your tradeoff between convenience and cost.

    Is there anything else I should know before setting up an account?

    When you set up your brokerage account, you will need to select between three different types of accounts. First, there is the individual broker account which allows for investments and trades in stocks, bonds, and other securities. Next, there is the joint account which allows two or more people (living individuals) to invest with each other for their own benefit without jeopardizing their personal assets. Finally, there are special types of accounts like an IRA or annuity that allow these more specialized types of investments. A brokerage account can be costly; make sure you know what type of investment it is before opening one. If you’re unsure, talk to a financial adviser! They can help you decide on the best type of account for your situation. Once you have chosen the right type of brokerage account, all you’ll have to do is fill out some paperwork. The paperwork will vary depending on whether or not this is a new or existing account but either way, it should take about 30 minutes tops. You’ll also need to pick a username and password so make sure you remember them because they’ll be important later on! Finally, when setting up your bank account go ahead and put in all the details like phone number and address so that they match up if needed.

  • We Bullied Ourselves Into Thinking We Didn’t Deserve Happiness

    We Bullied
     We Bullied Ourselves Into Thinking We Didn’t Deserve Happiness

    Tradeview – We’ve all been there, feeling like we don’t deserve the best things in life just because of something small we did wrong or our personality quirks we couldn’t change. But there are times when people should feel sorry for themselves and times when they shouldn’t. When do you know it’s okay to be sad, and when does it become bullying yourself? Here are some signs that you might be guilty of bullying yourself into thinking you don’t deserve happiness.

    What Is Self-Love?

    When we bull ourselves into thinking we don’t deserve happiness, it’s not as simple as just shaking the thought off. Sometimes we have to retrain our minds on what is possible for us to love and cherish about ourselves, who deserves our care. This includes all aspects of yourself – your soul and spirit, who you are as a woman or man in the world. It’s with these practices of self-love that you start creating your own type of freedom from all outside pressure. So where do you start? First, ask yourself: What am I grateful for about myself? Next, list three things you like about yourself. The last thing may be difficult because sometimes people take their flaws more seriously than they should so try telling yourself this sentence: My imperfections make me perfect. With these types of thoughts and feelings towards yourself, you can slowly find peace when dealing with something painful. Start by picking one aspect about yourself that is important to you – maybe something physical such as your hair color or an event in your life such as graduation. Focus on loving that part unconditionally every day by listing out five reasons why it’s great (if it doesn’t seem too difficult). Try this exercise with every detail until you’ve reached 20!

    Why You Need All Three in Your Life

    If we want to be healthy and happy, we need all three of these things in our lives. Without them, we’ll end up dissatisfied, lost and unhappy.

    What do you need? I think we bull know that the more money you make is going to give us a better life in the long run. So where do you get the most enjoyment out of spending your free time? How can we balance taking care of ourselves with getting paid enough to care for our family too? What’s going to make us feel at home when work seems like our only safe place? The idea that these needs are easily satisfied might sound crazy but it’s possible with an understanding of what these three things have in common. Spending time with family or friends makes us happier because those people love and support us unconditionally. When we spend time outside being active, we’re reminding ourselves that what makes us feel alive isn’t just the air inside our office building; it’s also green grass, blue skies and how our skin tingles from cold water on hot days. And every single dollar counts so if every hour spent on Facebook brings in one dollar less per hour than our paycheck does- well then maybe it’s worth thinking about cutting back on those 30 minutes to go exercise for 30 minutes instead.

    So How Do I Stop Being a Bully?

    This bullying epidemic we’ve got going on, it needs to end. Too many of us are hiding who we really are because we bulled ourselves into thinking that happiness wasn’t something that was meant for us, but there’s no good reason for you to live your life unhappily just because you weren’t born the way some person wanted you to be. Remember: everyone is different and everyone deserves to have what makes them happy. That might mean something as simple as listening to Taylor Swift and believing in a love story or going a little farther like coming out and telling the world who you really are. No matter what decision you make, know that this decision is about having some control over your own happiness, not about letting others bully themselves into living a life they don’t want. You can be whoever you want to be and feel however you want to feel without letting anyone stop you from doing so. If someone hassles you, speak up! If someone isn’t being kind, tell them how much it hurts! You deserve the same respect from other people as any other person does. If someone doesn’t give it to you, put them in their place by standing tall and making sure they know why their words were hurtful. It takes courage to do these things; that’s why you need to surround yourself with supportive friends who will remind you every day how amazing you are and how much value you bring to the lives of those around you. It can take time before change happens but believe me when I say- if anything is worth waiting for then this would be it.

  • SaxoTraderGO: All You Need to Know

     SaxoTraderGO: All You Need to Know

    Tradeview – SaxoTraderGO allows its users to trade forex and CFDs on the go, but what exactly does that mean? If you have SaxoTradeGO, you have access to one of the most powerful trading platforms in the business while you’re away from your computer. In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at what you can expect from SaxoTradeGO and how it can help you become a better trader in no time at all.

    What is SaxoTraderGO?

    SaxoTraderGO is a platform that allows trading in currencies, stocks, and commodities on the go. It offers a number of unique features that will give you an edge over the rest of your competition. Whether you are at work or away on vacation, it provides extensive coverage across many platforms and devices. 

    -You can trade equities, commodities and currencies when you are away from your computer with an iOS or Android mobile app available for download via iTunes or Google Play store respectively. -Market conditions are displayed in live charts so you can keep track of developments around the world. -It supports nine different languages which make it accessible to people from around the globe.

    How does it help my trading?

    Saxotradergo is a forex broker, offering your trading skills everything you need. Trading on the go? Check out their mobile app, which not only has features like monitoring and placing trades, but even lets you trade in real time from the palm of your hand. With low spreads and commission fees and 24/7 support, Saxotradego offers top-notch service for traders all over the world. Plus, with a variety of instruments available for trading, no matter what you’re interested in it will be waiting for you when you log in. From currencies to stocks to commodities and more – Saxotradego has it all!

    What are the main features?

    Whether you want to trade the world’s most sophisticated derivative products, manage risk with a low-cost ETF portfolio or invest in shares across the global stock market, we have the solution for you. SaxoTraderGO also provides access to more than 20 asset classes and 12,000 instruments. For advanced traders, Saxo’s award winning trading platforms are available on Web and Mobile. Professional clients can trade their own accounts or demo theirs with Saxo Capital Markets’ SmartRig. 

    Open an account today and get up to 5% cash bonus or 500 US$ credit if you select an account type that suits your needs best!

    How do I sign up?

    The process of signing up on SaxoTraderGO is relatively simple. Simply head over to the site and click on the link ‘sign up now’ which will open a registration form for you. Once you have filled in your name, email address, username and password you are ready to go! You’ll then be able to activate your account by clicking on the link sent via email or SMS and logging in with your username and password.

    Can I trade Forex or CFDs with this account?

    You can trade Forex and CFDs with this account. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to currency trading, have a background in finance or work in the industry – SaxoTraderGO has been specifically designed for your needs. In fact, we’ve gone above and beyond for the retail investor. Our only aim is to give you a trading experience that’s easy, enjoyable and highly effective.

    I don’t have an existing account, how do I open one?

    1. Create an account with Saxo Capital Markets by clicking here or using this link. 

    2. If you already have a Saxo account, log in and go to ‘Settings’ and select ‘Join your Friends’. 

    3. Enter the email address of your friend you want to connect with, click the box that says ‘Send Friend Request’ and confirm your request if necessary. Your friend should now be able to see your requests in their inbox. Send more requests if you would like even more friends on SaxoTraderGO!

    Are there any commissions or hidden fees?

    No, SaxoTraderGO is free for as long as you want. We do not charge any commissions or hidden fees. You can deposit and trade on the same day with no restrictions or limits on your account size. We want SaxoTradeGO to be accessible for everyone, so trading is completely commission-free in fiat and no commissions are charged in CFDs either!

    Is my money safe with this account type?

    Whether you’re an experienced trader or just looking for a way to save some money, SaxoTraderGO is the best account type for you. Compared to other trading platforms, Saxo Trader GO offers numerous ways for traders of all levels of expertise and interests to trade successfully and earn consistent profits. 

    SAXOTRADEGO Offers Online Trading That’s Different From Most Online Accounts Today- A Trading Platform As Unique As You Are! 

    It might seem like there are a million options when you open up your favorite search engine, but there’s only one solution that works best for you.

    What types of clients can use this account type?

    – Traders who need a wide range of instruments 

    – A comprehensive list of trading and investment options 

    – Ready access to market research, data feeds, and research from Saxo’s award-winning global team of analysts and economists 

    – Diverse range of analytics tools – no installation or programming required for use with SaxoConnect, AlgoScreener or other system applications. And if you want to execute trades using your own preferred brokerage, SaxoTraderGO will still allow you access to all the markets and instruments on offer. The possibilities are endless!

  • Tiger brokers need to know: what to look for when choosing a broker

    Tiger brokers
     Tiger brokers need to know: what to look for when choosing a broker

    Tradeview – As the saying goes, you get what you pay for, and that certainly applies to mutual fund brokerage services. While there are many cheap brokers out there, many also have huge hidden costs that affect your returns over time. This article from Tiger Brokers will help you identify the warning signs of a broker that may cost you more than you bargained for.

    Factors to consider before signing up with a brokerage

    Picking a brokerage is one of the most important decisions you will make in your trading career. Before you choose one, there are some factors to consider. Below are five things that every tiger broker needs to know before they decide on which brokerage they want to work with. These should help you narrow down the possibilities and find the best option available. Here are six points to consider when looking for a new broker 

    1) How long have they been in business? 

    2) What type of customer service do they offer? 

    3) Do they provide individualized support or only trade desk support? 

    4) Do I get access to any resources (research, seminars)? What can I learn from them? 

    5) Can I use my own computer or do I need special equipment? Is it necessary to maintain high speed internet connection at all times? 

    6) What’s their commission structure and what happens if I exceed my allowed number of trades per day or month?


    In the last ten years, the amount of transactions using Forex (foreign exchange) has increased drastically. Tiger brokers are in high demand and investors who don’t have one can suffer devastating losses on their investments. Before you start trading with your money, here are five things you should look out for in any potential forex broker. 

    1) Profitability – Tiger brokerage firms that charge spread margins and don’t make clients feel at ease with trading as much as they want are not worth trusting. 

    2) Experience – Look for reputable firms that have been around long enough to gain a reputation for providing good service because most clients use Forex firms specifically because they understand trading Forex is risky business. 

    3) Reputation – Check if any consumer complaints or regulatory issues exist before signing up with them. 

    4) Web presence – If they do not have an accessible website or mobile app then this may be an indication that they are not willing to modernize themselves. 

    5) Banking options- Some brokers require clients to deposit their funds into certain banks which means you will either have to set up a new account or transfer your money over which could be costly depending on how much you’re depositing and how often you trade.

    Binary options

    It’s important that Tiger Brokers do their research and make sure they choose the right one. Not all binary options offer the same features, the same amount of features or are the same cost. There are dozens of brokerage firms out there, but not all of them have been around as long as others or offer what they’re looking for in a trader. So here are some things Tiger Brokers should be on the lookout for. One is liquidity, which means how much cash is available at any given time to trade with. Higher liquidity rates mean more buyers and sellers so the price won’t fluctuate too much. 

    One thing you should always avoid is a site with no phone number! If something goes wrong with your account it can be really hard to get in contact with anyone about it! 

    Another thing you might want to watch out for is auto-trading software – these programs will automatically buy or sell trades without your consent, often without even asking if you want to make the trade at all! If this sounds like something you don’t want, be careful before clicking I Agree.


    The first consideration should be whether you’re experienced with trading. If you’re not, it’s best to find a broker that offers an array of traditional investments and does not offer complicated products such as derivatives or futures. Tiger Brokers provides an online trading platform for investors that are new traders as well as experienced traders. If you don’t have enough money in your account, it’s important to choose a brokerage that won’t charge commissions on funds and stocks under the necessary balance. Choosing one where the entire commission is just deducted from your account is preferable because you don’t lose any of your money. A website where there are customer testimonials and reviews also makes it easier to compare different brokers so that you can find the one that is right for you. Some sites even provide information on how much commissions a particular company charges and how much they charge per trade. It’s also a good idea to find out which securities they offer and if they have educational tools like webinars, tutorials, or videos to help beginners get started. Lastly, make sure the site has a strong security system like two-factor authentication.

  • 5 Reasons Why Every Trader Needs to Know Trade Ideas

    Trade Ideas
     5 Reasons Why Every Trader Needs to Know Trade Ideas

    Tradeview – As a trader, you’re constantly going to be looking to make money on the market using whatever strategy you prefer (short-term or long-term, technical or fundamental). While doing this, there’s one thing you should never forget to keep in mind: Trade ideas are crucial in the trading world. If you’re not taking advantage of trade ideas (also known as trade setups), then you’re already putting yourself at an unfair disadvantage to other traders. Here are five reasons why every trader needs to know trade ideas!

    1) Access to Tools

    Trade Ideas offers traders the ability to have access to deep fundamental analysis, trade ideas, and in-depth insights into every market they trade. This also helps traders gain an edge by having insight into their competitors’ positions and understand which positions are popular in the marketplace. With Trade Ideas you can set your risk tolerance and automate your trades on a market-by-market basis. You also have the opportunity to subscribe for premium services like unlimited chat sessions with professional traders. Trade Ideas not only provides amazing value but it is backed by top-tier customer service that is available 24/7 for assistance when a problem arises or if you need help mastering how Trade Ideas works. Customer service representatives at Trade Ideas will answer any questions you may have about the product and get back to you in less than 48 hours.

    2) Easy Operation

    Trade Ideas is the perfect app for trading on your phone, PC, or tablet. It lets you generate trading strategies and runs simulations on them in order to gauge their performance before investing real money. You’ll get a thorough analysis of each strategy including statistics about market conditions, performance over time, equity curve over time. You can use Trade Ideas’ Strategy Creator to see how you can design your own successful strategy by choosing from many different variables such as entry points and exit points, trade management rules, stop loss orders and risk management rules. Trade Ideas also has a Community section where you can share your trades with other traders and learn from each other’s successes.

    3) Working with Different Currencies

    When it comes to the currency market, the two most popular are the US dollar and Euro. The US dollar has an exchange rate of 100 on both USD/JPY and EUR/USD. For example, 1.00 euro is equivalent to around 1.13 dollars and $1.00 will get you 0.83 euros. It’s worth noting that trade ideas may be used in trades involving any foreign currency, not just those traded against the USD or euro which means that traders need to know when they’re working with a different currency than these two major world currencies. Furthermore, keep in mind that if you’re trading multiple currencies at once (e.g., trading EUR/USD and GBP/AUD) then your profit from one trade can have a negative effect on another.

    4) 24/5 Trading Opportunities

    Trade ideas is the easiest way for traders to find a reliable strategy, and learn what other successful traders are doing. Signing up with Trade Ideas will help you figure out which trades you should be on and which ones to stay away from. And it’s 100% FREE! No obligations, no fees, just excellent trade ideas emailed directly to your inbox. You don’t have to do any of the work, but you can’t lose either because they’re always free! What more could you want? 

    There’s nothing better than getting an email saying An opportunity to profit!. Getting notifications about new opportunities before everyone else and using them before the market starts moving helps you keep control over your investment and avoid trading against the trend. 

    Trade Ideas does all that hard work for you by scanning billions of data points across multiple platforms so you can focus on finding winning trades without worrying about missing anything. Whether this is your first day trading or if this is something that takes up a lot of your time, Trade Ideas has something for everyone: an hour-by-hour stock list, signals that tell you when to buy or sell a specific security, quick actionable tips in bite-sized portions.

    5) Personalized Learning Experience

    Trade ideas will help you build a better trading plan. You’ll be able to hone in on your strengths and identify trading setups that will work best for you. This personalizes the learning experience so that traders can maximize their success. It’s up to each individual trader to find out what strategies are right for them, and Trade Ideas makes this easier than ever before. With this tool, every trader has access to simple yet effective techniques that they can implement right away into their routine – no matter where they are in the world! And because it’s web-based, there is no need for downloads or any other hassles. You can log in from anywhere at anytime. There’s no wasted time in getting started as all of the tools needed are provided with just a few clicks. In addition to helping you with your trading plan, Trade Ideas also provides insights into market trends that can help both new and experienced traders make smarter decisions about trades. But don’t take our word for it – here’s what some satisfied customers have said: I think this is an excellent product. I am more confident when making trades now. The lessons I learned here have been invaluable.